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Are You Willing to Risk Big to Build Your Business?

| Submitted On June 01, 2016

We hire coaches and mentors for a reason; to stretch us, take us where we have yet to go and remind us of the little things that add up to big outcomes.

Personally, I hire experts to push me and encourage me to take risks (and big ones at that). What I fail to understand is when someone hires a coach and either never shows up for their calls, in-person masterminds, VIP Days or whatever is offered as part of the package. This truly boggles my mind.

Then there are the people who do take advantage of what's being offered, but never take any of the recommendations to heart. What a complete waste of time and money. If you've hired someone for their expertise, be willing to put their ideas into action.

One of the greatest benefits of having a really strong mentor is the trickledown effect. What this simply means is: what we learn from someone else, when we apply it and get a result, we are able to teach others.

I've been hiring business coaches for years. Although I have a successful business, hiring a mentor gives me the opportunity to bounce ideas around with a trusted advisor.

A few years ago I hired an incredibly successful coach who is all about using the phone, live events and a multipronged approach to generating revenues.

On one of our coaching calls, it was recommended to host an open Q&A call on a Saturday. I got my marching orders and did exactly what my mentor recommended.

Not sure if I would get a result with people showing up, I sent a message out to my list to let them know all they needed to do was hop on the phone. No replay, no opt in, just show up.

Admittedly, I was a bit frustrated with less than 10 people showing up for the call. Yet, I gave those few people my all.

It was a pure Q&A call with one offer at the end; an in person mastermind event limited to 10 people.

One woman on the call jumped at the chance to join in on the mastermind. Not only did she pay for the mastermind, she went on to sign over $37,000 in coaching services with me. All from one small group call.

Here's the deal... had I decided to ignore my coach's suggestion, I would not have signed the client.

By being willing to be willing, and knowing this was why I hired this powerhouse coach in the first place (to get me out of my head, into action and stretch myself) I have had some incredible results in areas that I had not been focusing on.

Sometimes we don't see the immediate results on things we do, but when we do the footwork, something gives.

Yet, how often do people talk themselves out of doing something without giving it 100%? And how much money and opportunity are they leaving on the table as a result?

Bottom-line is this; we have to be willing to take risks, have a multipronged approach to how we market our products and services and more than one way to generate revenue.

To have one, and only one way to bring in business is a huge mistake. To not risk keeps us safe... and broke.

The best thing to do is have short-term and long-term goals. With the short-term goals, make a commitment and stick with it.

Are you willing to do things differently? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to risk big to realize big rewards?

If you said no, maybe you are not cut out to be an entrepreneur. If you said yes, way to go. That's what it takes to win big.

For more information on how I can help your reach goals, take risks and grow your business visit my website.

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